Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Finding intimacy with God in the busyness of Life is the focus of this amazing and life changing book written by, Joanna Weaver. Pick up your copy at the Ladies Loft as soon as possible and start blogging with us.


  1. Chapter 1 - A Tale of Two Sisters

    1- What preconceived ideas did you have about Mary and Martha before reading this book? Which woman do you relate to most- Mary or Martha? Explain your answer..

  2. I have always been a Martha!Have the need to serve. I have learned to look to the Lord to see where HE wants to me to serve, not where I feel the need. So many times we serve where we get the most feedback to our egos.

    I love question #2... I am a broken oven, either too hot or too cold! What are some off your answers to that one?
