Sunday, October 24, 2010



  1. Has anyone else started their Golden Word Collection? I have... mesmerizing, gregarious, jollity... Love Job 4:4

  2. Chapter 4 - The way of the Lord is strength for the upright. Proverbs 10:29a
    I really identified with this chapter. My mental health lately has been on the down slide; calling the vacuum cleaner a lawn mower, CDs –coupons. Not good. I frequently find myself retracing steps to remember what I was looking for. Most of the time that works. The positive thing coming out of this state is my learning to mentally and physically go before the Lord for his strength. Yep, down on my knees by my bed. It’s amazing how when I humble myself and ask for help, He floods my soul with peace. But I have to humble myself and ask! Why is that so hard? Why do I like to carry burdens? I’m praying I can make this second nature- Tired? Burdened? Stressed? Immediately ask, don’t try to figure how to do it on my own… kind of like trying to plan tomorrows. I can’t do it. What freedom we have as Children of the King! The cage door is open…I just need to fly through.

  3. I so enjoyed this morning's book review breakfast brunch! Gathering with like minded women is so uplifting. Thanks to all who shared. I was inspired!
