Monday, July 11, 2011

You Can Be A Wife of A Happy Husband


  1. I just finished chapter one and realize I am going to have to make some changes. I need to put more into my marriage than I have been. Isaiah 1:19 really spoke to me. I need to be willing and obedient. Change is difficult and I would appreciate encouragement and accountability. How can I encourage, comfort and do other good things for my husband?

  2. Do I have a good marriage or just a good man? Am I making an effort to be my husband’s “responder”, comforter and encourager every day? Do I truly understand my role in my marriage and therefore reflecting who God wants me to be in my marriage?
    And this was all in Chapter one!
    How can we be comforters, encouragers and do other good things for our husbands? Anyone like to share ways they can do each of these things for their husbands, daily.
    For Me:
    Comforter: Give him my undivided attention some time in the evening, without being distracted by the kids needs. Not do too much throughout the day, so that I am worn out by the time he gets home. Give more kisses
    Encourager: encourage him to do more for him: work outside in the garage, go kayaking, running, and biking etc.. and do this without making him feel guilty for leaving me home with three screaming, demanding children.

    Your Turn:
    Encourage your husband by:

    Comfort your husband by doing:

  3. Learning to let go of our own self-centered desires and learning to fill the void in our lives with God and not things or people is a fight against our flesh and spirit. I have always found Romans 7:15-25 to be profound and so true. Especially:
    "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of good is not. For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the every evil that I do not want."
    Who will set me free from the body of this death? THANKS BE TO GOD THROUGH OUR JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!"
    Ladies, we have a way out. It is up to us to allow God to fill the void that is in us, which will fulfill the purpose of this void to begin with. Beth Moore says it best in her book,"A woman and Her God," "It's like we walk around all day with and empty cup, asking people to fill it up. We may go to our spouse, our children, our friends. We may even ask our coworkers, neighbors, and pastor, "Can you fill my cup? The problem is that we go to them seeking what only Christ was meant to provide. We can affirm one another, even fulfill one another, but it was GOd's design right from the beginning that He alone would satisfy our soul's desire."

    I challenge you this week to first go to God and pour out your needs to Him, allowing Him to meet them, rather than looking for others, especially your husband, to satisfy that need. In this way, we are able, like Chapter 2 challenges us to do,to meet the needs of our husbands and having a true servant's heart towards others. As Chapter 2 says, when we do this we will find that our marriage relationship will take on new meaning, even when problems arise, because we have Christ strength instead of our own.

    Question: #4 Share your greatest struggle at this time and what God is showing you?

  4. I have been mediating on Colossians 3:23, 24 for the last week and I am finding such freedom in this verse: "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for YOU SERVE THE LORD CHRIST.
    My motivating factors in encouraging and serving my husband depended in the past on tangible things: how nice he was to me, how other would view or approve my actions, and what he did for me, etc. Colossians 3:23 says my motivating factor in serving my husband and others should be the Lord, that I am doing it for Him and not my glory or other's approval. So when someone hurts you or your husband is not the easiest to love you still have the power to serve them because you are serving the Lord, who is perfect and is the only one worthy of our praise. Not to mention there will be a reward in heaven waiting for us each time we serve someone in the name of the Lord, whole heartily!

    Question 7: What does God promise in 1 Corinthians 15:58? How does this encourage you? Explain.
